Weekly Art Walk with Artist-in-Residence Victoria Stanton

Jan 2018 to  25 May 2018,  
16:00 to 14:00 
P. Lantz Artist-in-Residence Victoria Stanton invites you for a silent art walk on the mountain. Beauty is right here in our backyard – and everywhere once we start to notice it. The Weekly Art Walk is a moment to reflect and recharge; to move and unwind. Come be enchanted by simplicity! Open to individual and group walks.
From the artist:
Sitting at the foot of Mount-Royal, the Faculty of Education overlooks the incredibly lush terrain of one of this city’s most important landmarks. The Weekly Walk takes advantage of this proximity, inviting students, faculty and staff to come join me every Friday to journey up the steps and onto the trails from 3 – 4pm. The Weekly Walk is a moment to reflect, recharge, or to reconnect (with oneself, with nature); to problem-solve, zone out or just get outside for an hour… It is generally a silent walk, but exceptions can be made to have a Walk & Talk if this is specially requested by a participant.