
SPEAK B(L)ACK – a Black History Month spoken word show

SPEAK B(L)ACK is an evening of spoken word, where we open the stage for self-identifying Black folks to rhyme, to spit, to lash out, to rant, to rap, to let their voice boom across winter skies, to breathe in, to breathe out, to cry, to laugh, to make us laugh…


Kim Ninkuru
Shanice Nicole
Stephanie Lawrence
Kama La Mackerel


The featured artists will open the show, which will be followed by an open mic! Any self-identifying Black person may perform any form of spoken word (slam, story-telling, oration, rap etc.), and trans, gender non-conforming, femme, queer, neuro-diverse and disabled Black folks are particularly encouraged to take the mic!

Those wanting to perform as part of the open mic may register in advance by following this link:

SPEAK B(L)ACK is an opportunity to speak black and to speak back. SPEAK B(L)ACK is also a response to Michèle Lalonde’s nationalist poem “Speak White.”

Co-presented by Kama La Mackerel, Artist in Residence, P. Lantz Initiative for Excellence in Education and the Arts, the Social Equity and Diversity Office (SEDE), the Black Students’ Network (BSN), and MASS (McGill African Studies Association).

Refreshments will be served!

The evening will be hosted by Kama La Mackerel.


McGill University | William Shatner University Centre (SSMU Building)
3480 McTavish Street | SSMU Ballroom | 3rd Floor
Friday, February 17, 2017
Doors: 5:30PM
Show: 6PM


+ Event is free and open to the public
+ Note that there is extensive construction on McTavish Street and surrounding McGill that may present challenges/delays
+ The building is wheelchair accessible
+ Gender neutral washrooms are available on the 4th floor
+ Please refrain from or limit the use of scented products
+ Childcare will be provided. Please email

To get in contact with the organizers of Black History Month 2017, please email We welcome your questions and feedback!